Juma Al Majid Center for Culture and Heritage participated in the Innovation Dialogue Forum “From Ancient Mosaic Paintings to E-Books: Reviving the Past to Create New Cultural Spaces for the Future”, organized by the Italian Embassy in Abu Dhabi and the Trade Agency in Italy at the Italy Pavilion at the exhibition Expo 2020 Dubai, in the presence of the Italian ambassador to the UAE and a number of directors of cultural and scientific institutions in the country and abroad.
The forum aimed to focus on digital technologies and move from the culture of antiquity to keeping pace with current, virtual, peripheral and physical practices in the cultural framework after the Corona pandemic.
The center was represented in the forum by Dr. Muhammad Kamel Gad, Director General of Juma Al Majid Center for Culture and Heritage in Dubai, whose lecture at the forum was titled “The Book from the Manuscript to the E-Book: Variables and Impact”, where he said: The Arabic composition contains within it most of the product of the Greek and Roman civilization as a translator. This authorship passed through several stages, it was written on parchment, then paper, then it became printed, but for many reasons with the geographical distance of the countries, the illusions of copyists of manuscripts appeared in the titles and authors, and distortion and forgery appeared, so we now find some scientific texts with more than one title sometimes attributed To more than one author, then this defect moved to the printed book, which negatively affected the results of the scientific research that resulted from it. Here, technology provided solutions by providing electronic scanning, which expanded the standards of availability to facilitate the control of these different texts, in addition to automatic indexing programs and converting texts into Oct texts, which allowed the researcher enormous research capabilities, and artificial intelligence that recently entered in determining the style of each author and standing On his linguistic dictionary, which would solve many of the problems of identifying the true authors of books whose ratios differed, and all these new capabilities saved a lot of time, effort and money, and facilitated the possibility of adjusting the texts more and faster.